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Chaos ensues at Justin Bieber's fragrance launch

In an effort to protect Justin Bieber from a potential tween mob scene at New York's flagship Macy's store on Thursday, a security guard hopped a baricade and threw the pop star to the ground, according to witnesses at the event. Before realizing the man was in fact a security guard for Bieber, the police issued him a summons for disorderly conduct. The police deny that Bieber was ever touched, according to a story in USA Today. Either way, Bieber was unharmed during the incident.
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Justin Bieber officially launches Someday fragrance in NY

Justin Bieber SomedayAbout 300 squealing girls huddled around Macy's at 34th Street and Broadway in New York City on Wednesday anticipating their chance to meet Justin Bieber today during a meet-and-greet to officially launch his new fragrance, Someday. Bieber appeared in a segment on "The Late Show with David Letterman" on Wednesday. "The Beebs" got to read Letterman's Top 10 list. (Getty Images)
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Mercedes Benz rolling out fragrance line

Mercedes Benz has signed a licensing agreement with the INCC Group to develop and launch a fragrance line. Mercedes is no stranger to the fashion world, although this will mark the luxury automotive line's foray into fragrance. We expect nothing less than class and style.
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Britney Spears is back with Cosmic Radiance

JLo isn't the only one back with a new album and fragrance (see previous news post). It was recently announced by MoodieReport that Britney Spears is launching a new scent in August. The pop star, who has successfully rebounded from a downward spiral a few years ago, is back ... with a new album and a new fragrance - Cosmic Radiance.
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Jennifer Lopez launching new fragrance on HSN

Jennifer Lopez is on fire these days. In addition to her role as "American Idol" judge, she released a new chart-topping song, "On the Floor," and now is set to launch her 17th JLo fragrance -- Love and Light!

Lopez will launch her fragrance on the Home Shopping Network on July 2. The pop diva will be fielding the calls herself. Love and Light will only be available on HSN until early fall.
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Diesel is launching Loverdose, a fragrance with passion

Diesel Loverdose fragranceFashion house Diesel is launching a new fragrance this September, except this scent will be a little different than normal. Loverdose is being created with stimulating molecules that enhance hypothalamus activity.

Say what? The fragrance is an aphrodisiac that is supposed to heighten sexual arousal.
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Men's fragrance inspired by Iceland volcano eruption

Icelandic designer Sigrun Lilja Gudjonsdottir said she is launching a men's fragrance inspired by the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland. The designer launched EFJ Eyjafjallajoekull perfume for women in 2010, following the April eruption of the Eyjafjoell volcano.

The women's version of the fragrance is made of melt water that pooled on a glacier that sits atop the volcano. The men's version, VJK Vatnajoekull, will also contain glacial melt water, according to AFP, and will be "very masculine." 
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Chloe taps Imogen Poots to front fragrance line

Imogen PootsChloe has tapped Imogen Poots as the new face of Chloe perfume. The actress will represent the design house with Camille Rowe Pourcheresse, the French model and actress.

This is Poots' debut as the face of a luxury brand. The actress starred in "V For Vendetta" and "Solitary Man," and will soon star in the new Chloe campaign ad, which will launch this September.
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Leighton Meester in Vera Wang Lovestruck commercial

The commercial for Vera Wang's Lovestruck perfume is out, starring Leighton Meester. Check it out here.

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Heidi Klum launching signature scent this fall

Heidi Klum Heidi Klum recently introduced her new fragrance at an event in New York. The "Project Runway" star named her signature scent Shine, which was inspired by husband Seal, according to an interview in Allure magazine

"I get dressed a lot for my husband. A lot of times he'd say, 'You're beautiful. You shine.' It's a very beautiful word, a positive word," Klum told Allure. (Getty Images)
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