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Surgery...for Bold Brows?

No trend is as hot as the natural, bold brow look this season but to go the great length of plastic surgery? Yes, we said surgery.

The surgery, a uGraft restoration procedure is becoming increasingly popular and costs about $6,000 to $8,000.  The process is similar to hair transplantiong, actually, that is exactly what it is.  The hair from the nape of the neck or leg is transplanted to the brows. Sounds weird? Not so much.  The hair from those areas are the same, in texture and growth cycle, as your eyebrows, kid you not. So the hairs are removed and then added individually.

Who would have thought, moving hair from one part of your body to the next would cost thousands?

We love the bold brow look but wouldn't taking a brow pencil and brush be way easier (and less temporary) than this permanaent, expensive surgery?

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