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Nicki Minaj Signs Fragrance Deal

We knew it! A little less than a month a go, rumors were going back and forth about Nicki Minaj talking about doing a fashion label and fragrance deal.  Well guess what?! This morning, it has been confirmed that Nicki Minaj is in fact going through with her fragrance deal! 

The hip hop rapper has signed a fragrance deal with Give Back Brands LLC to produce and launch her debut scent, which will be available in department stores this fall. Give Back Brands worked with Justin Bieber's Someday fragrance as it's first celebrity project, Someday was ranked as No. 1 women's launch of the year.  Let's see if Nicki Minaj has the same fate.

"I have always been a huge fan of great fragrances," Minaj stated. "This is yet another extension of my creative expression. I designed the scent and bottle with my  Barnz in mind."

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