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Man Hands Take on a Whole New Meaning

Some of you may have thoughts on men who get manicures, but what about your thoughts on this?  EVOLTIONMAN collaborated with Indashio to extend their mens nail paint collection with new, limited edition nail color.  The color is a masculine matte black, with gold flecks.

Photo Courtesy: EVOLUTIONMAN, Indashio

We are excited to work with INDASHIO on our newest nail paint. His innovative creations push the limits of menswear design and has inspired us to reinterpret traditional black nail polish, both in texture and finish, making it more relevant to the modern man looking to make a statement,” says EVOLUTIONMAN founder Marco Berardini. "I am so excited about this new collaboration! The color is cool, sleek, and its matte masculine finish is super rockstar! I am looking forward to starting a trend with guys wearing nail polish,” added INDASHIO

That's all great and well, we hope to see a new trend start with this too, but just one thing we couldn't help but notice.  Does this look like a man hand to you?

Photo Courtesy: EVOLUTIONMAN, Indashio


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