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Shakira introducing signature fragrance

S by Shakira fragrance
Grammy-winning pop star Shakira is next in line to launch a signature fragrance. The Latin singer, known for her "Hips Don't Lie" sex appeal, has been working with Puig to create S by Shakira, a scent that features notes of benzoin, amber, vanilla, jasmine Sabac and fresh woods.

According to Shakira, the fragrance is, "... for a woman who believes in herself. The type of women who feel a connection with this fragrance would be independent and strong, but also a woman with a great capacity to love and a strong sense of who they are. Like one of my songs, I wanted S by Shakira to tell a story, and to be something personal and unique. A perfume has to really reflect something inside you, make you connect with it in an emotional way.” 

S by Shakira is expected to hit the market in September. We know her hips don't lie, but hopefully her nose doesn't either.
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