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PETA approves Rihanna's new perfume

Rihanna's debut perfume, which will be available later this month, has been approved by PETA, according to recent reports. Rihanna teamed with Parlux, a cruelty-free fragrance company, to create Reb'l Fleur.

Rihanna hasn't always been on PETA's good list. Her fashion choices have received raised eyebrows and been dubbed "worst dressed" from the organization in the past when it comes to animal cruelty.

Dan Mathews, senior vice president of PETA, sent Rihanna a bouquet of flowers for her choice to go with Parlux, saying, “Rihanna’s decision to team up with Parlux is as kind to animals as her music is to your ears. By renouncing animal tests, Parlux is proving that beauty doesn’t have to have an ugly side.”

with the experts at Parlux, who have been on PETA's 'good list', for their policy to not test products on animals, Femalefirst reported.

PETA senior vice president Dan Mathews is so impressed with the Umbrella hitmaker that he sent her a big bouquet of flowers as a token of appreciation for her concern towards animals.

"Rihanna's decision to team up with Parlux is as kind to animals as her music is to your ears. By renouncing animal tests, Parlux is proving that beauty doesn't have to have an ugly side," he said.

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