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Enter to win Tim McGraw's new fragrance, custom belt buckle

Fans of Tim McGraw's new cologne, Silver, will be excited to learn about a recently launched contest over at the country star's fragrance web site. Enter for a chance to win a custom belt buckle and a bottle of Silver cologne.

McGraw worked with Vintage Wear Cali to help design the belt buckle, which showcases a black guitar pick embedded in a silver buckle with clear stones and rope-patterned edging.

Perfumer Coty will donate one dollar to Tim McGraw's charity Neighbor's Keeper for every contest entry. The deadline is Feb. 11.

The third fragrance in McGraw's cologne line, which includes McGraw by Tim McGraw and Southern Blend, Silver is a woody scent that blends floral notes of orange and lavender with vetiver, sandalwood and saffron. 
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