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Fragrance review: Acqua di Gioia perfume is a Mediterranean escape

acqua di gioia perfumeIf the prospect of vacationing in one of the Mediterranean's far-flung isles is your idea of heaven, then the 2010 Giorgio Armani women's fragrance release Acqua di Gioia is right on the money.

Giorgio Armani was inspired by the island of Pantelleria when creating this fragrance for women - a volcanic island off the coast of Sicily that is full of dramatic landscapes and verdantly green jungle.

Acqua di Gioia perfume opens with a zesty primo fiore lemon accord - it is juicy and lip-smacking, and instantly evokes a feeling of summer. Cool mint rushes over the topography of this perfume, like a sea breeze, bringing with it relief and revitalization. A dewy, aquatic heart of water jasmine is at the core of this Armani perfume; it is soft, feminine and delicate. At the base lies a foundation of brown sugar and heartwood cedar -- two accords that add complexity and make for a very satisfying dry down.

Giorgio Armani's Acqua di Gioia (Water of Joy) perfume is presented in a beautiful glass flacon which looks - to my eye - like the Mediterranean sea captured in a bubble. Its polished, smooth surface further suggests it might have been cast up along one of Pantelleria's many beaches.

With impressive longevity and a captivating olfactory trail, Acqua di Gioia has already proven a favorite with the jet set, and those who dream of faraway places.

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