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Fragrance Review: Citizen Queen a weapon of mass seduction

Citizen Queen perfumeThis modern day chypre celebrates dominant femininity… perhaps if Chanel No.5 and Agent Provocateur were to produce an illegitimate love child, Citizen Queen by Juliette Has a Gun would be it!

While Citizen Queen lifts her pistol to tip her hat to the vintage French perfumes of yesteryear, she stands firmly with her stockinged foot planted in the here and now.

This perfume's composition is based around sumptuous rose and a dry animalic leather. It opens with bright florals and shimmering aldehydes that rush to fill the back of the nose. Iris, immortelle and Bulgarian rose perform a quickstep across the floor of this perfume while warm amber, oakmoss, labdanum and soft leather smoulder in the shadows. This leather is bitter and animalic, and lends a dirtiness to the mix that will please any femme fatale.

A weapon of mass seduction, Citizen Queen takes no prisoners. She will stay with you for 8-10 hours, demand your attention and command your respect, but probably steal your pocketbook too! She displays all the characteristics of being a conservative little Daddy's Girl by day, and a pistol packing coquette by night.

Don't say we didn't warn you!

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