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berry by BENTA BERRY --An Innovative & Individual Teen Fragrance

The teen years can be a tough time, and for sure, teen girls have completely different needs than a woman.  They are looking to find themselves, experimenting with clothes and beauty products all while 'fitting' in and being accepted. 

Marie-Pierre Schmitz, the founder of BENTA BERRY says "Scents for teens and tweens are a real challenge and we have dealt extensively with their psyche, their wishes and dreams. The result and the positive response to benta and berry shows that we were right".

Marie-Pierre worked closely with perfumer Valentine Pozzo di Borgo to create a fragrance for girls with 'enchanting effects'. berry by BENTA BERRY is said to be 'good for you...good for other's. 

The scent has a high flirt factor, expresses confidence and fits a teens individual style.  With fresh, fruity aromas and floral notes that exude positive moods, this scent should trigger confidence and remain to be an 'acceptable scent amongst friends'. 

Photo Courtesy: BENTA BERRY/

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